Scholarly Identity 2.0: Matrix, Concept Model, and Presentation

As mentioned in my previous post, my first Belgrade lecture focused on the concept of Research 2.0.  The second lecture focused on Scholarly Identity 2.0, which is increasingly important because of the wealth of online identity information created by Research 2.0.

The Scholarly Identity Matrix below is adapted from a general identity matrix concept pioneered by the founders of ClaimID. It is meant to display the different types and components of a researcher’s online identity.
Scholarly Identity Matrix

The Scholarly Identity 2.0 Concept Model below displays how the different components from the Matrix fit together.
Scholarly Identity 2.0 Concept Model

The black text is content types. The blue are the characteristics of identity these content types best represent. The green is who is responsible for managing this information. The Scholarly Identity 2.0 Concept Model takes the series of concept models one step farther, but with a slightly different twist.

The spectrum is more specific than in past models with one end being entirely user-generated content (UGC) and the other traditional scholarly communication. My hypothesis is that scholarly identity online, or Scholarly Identity 2.0, is a combination of these two information types held together by a unique identifier. For example, the combination verifies not just topical expertise through peer-review of articles, but also personality verified by LinkedIn recommendations.

Please share your thoughts on the accuracy of this model in the comments below or on FriendFeed.

The below presentation covers each quadrant of the Matrix culminating in the Concept Model as a summary.

(Update: The videos of the lectures are now available here.)

I would like to give special thanks to Adam Sofronijevic at the University of Belgrade Libraries for all his hard work in arranging the lectures and for his hospitality during my visit.

Presentation: Scholarly Reputation Management Online

Abstract: Social media provides scholars with unprecedented opportunities to promote their accomplishments and expertise. Conversely, social media creates more identity information to for scholars to manage. Different facets of scholar identity online will be introduced. Within this framework, new types of identity content produced by social software and the challenges this creates will be discussed. Lastly, opportunities for using social software to manage scholarly reputation will be explored.

Abstract: Social media provides scholars with unprecedented opportunities to promote their accomplishments and expertise. Conversely, social media creates more identity information to for scholars to manage. Different facets of scholar identity online will be introduced. Within this framework, new types of identity content produced by social software and the challenges this creates will be discussed. Lastly, opportunities for using social software to manage scholarly reputation will be explored.
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