links for 2007-07-07

The power of images

I originally created the Academic Library 2.0 Concept Model for a presentation because I was having trouble expressing the idea verbally. I hadn’t completely understood the explanatory power of diagrams until the great response I received both from my class and now here on the web. I am glad I took Systems Analysis. I got a solid background in how to display ideas through diagrams. They are definitely a great way to translate concepts between groups. I just noticed another post focusing on how the model can be used for explaining the concept.

I have found that the visual image of Web 2.0 – the extended mindcloud – has been a great visual starter at sessions I have run. ‘Participation’ and ‘Remix’ provide two good concepts to open up the discussion with people, before actually going into showing and discussing social software. I am also adding Michael’s Academic 2.0 concept model to my discussion pool.

A study on the effect of provoking images on information processing

I found this interesting when I first noticed it. It is similar to many of the studies I am reading for the psychology of HCI seminar I am taking this semester.

“Violent or erotic images cause momentary periods of emotion-induced blindness”

By Melanie Moran
Published: August 11, 2005

If your partner seems to be ignoring you after a flash of nudity on the television screen, it might not be his or her fault: A new psychological study finds that when people are shown violent or erotic images they frequently fail to process what they see immediately afterwards.